Crazy, busy day at work today. But I don't want to talk about it.
Instead, I have slept in MY OWN HOUSE, in MY OWN (new) BED for the past 2 days!!! The bed is a platform bed, has 6 drawers on either side - KING SIZE (with room for me, the Hubby and the 2 dogs!), and is a pillow-top (my first ever) - it's just like sleeping on a cloud! And the ceiling fan puts out a nice breeze and kind of drowns out the barking dogs next door. It's like a dream. The Hubby built a small porch and steps for the sidedoor yesterday, using mostly wood from our old front porch. It's not dug in or anything, since they haven't put on the skirting, yet. Yeah, it's slightly wobbly. I don't care. For it being made by someone not real good with wood, it's fantastic!
I saw the therapist for the second time Wednesday. He has questions about my first depression (from 3rd grade until I was around 21 or so). Questions I can't answer. I know I was spanked in 3rd grade for not finishing my work. He questions why that sent me into such a tail spin. I don't know. It's all blocked, I only remember it 3rd person. He wants me to remember, since it's affected my entire life. It does kind of make me wonder why I did put so much power into my 3rd grade teacher's hands. I could only give him a confused look and shrug my shoulders. Why did it crush me? Why was I so sure in my self-hatred? Why was my childhood implosion SO great, it practically left a crater in Del City Elementary? And why do I let it linger today? Weird!
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