Just one of those days. A little down, but it's more like the week without my 50mg of Zoloft, than actually having a reason to be down.
The war between Jimmy and the Hubby may be over. Jimmy told him he had to go to the Navy Recruiters office, or so - this is all second hand. Maybe he called from school. Anyway, the hubby told him the reason he wanted him to call and tell him where he's going was that he's concerned. The hubby says Jimmy said, "I'm kinda slow." So I guess after the Navy, he called and told him he was going to the mall. The hubby says Jimmy will get his PSP back when he proves his resposibility.
And I guess that may be what Jimmy was slow to learn: the difference between concern and control. Because on that same night....
Yeah, I'm paying for a phone line I'm not using. The new house has no jacks, and the thought of paying $110 per to the phone co kind of galls us. The Hubby says he's going to put it in (shiver). So, Jimmys dad can't pester us. He does have Jimmy's cel phone number, and the M-in-L's number. You might say my Ex's motto is "Nothing succeeds like excess." If you can't get him the first time, keep calling until you do. So at one point, he calls the M-in-L, and of course she doesn't know where he is.
So when he got home, we asked, "Is your phone turned off?"
He shows the phone, "no."
"You know your dad's trying to get a hold of you?"
"Yeah, I talked to him."
Well, I thought it was damn funny.
The difference between concern and control (that's slipping away - again).
The difference between a Dad and a Father.
Yeah, Jimmy may be slow, but I think he's come around.
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