I am back to work today. When I first got here, I was out of my mind with anxiety. It has gradually eased - I did get hugs all around from those who noticed I was gone.
I really miss my group - but I had reached a point that, if I had stayed, it would only serve as a crutch. I had a little dip on the weekend, but am firmly on my plateau right now.
House-wise - the house is together and anchored, the interior finished, the carpet laid to where you'd never guess it was ever in two pieces. We still have to have the electric, gas, water and septic hooked up, and the skirting put on (in the future we plan to brick it). It doesn't have any phone jacks installed, but that can wait until we're in the house. We've heard that having phone jacks installed either costs nothing (since we already have service), or costs 100.00 per jack installed. It's just beautiful, nestled in the native blackjack oak trees! And we'll have a bunch of new furniture to put in it - we bought a new entertainment center yesterday! And it does kind of sit right on, well what used to be my u-shaped driveway (one side has eroded away to the point of needing 4-wheel drive to get out). And the grass that didn't have stickers is gone. And I'm in debt for the next 20 years (starting today). But what the hell - I deserve it.
Kid-wise - I got a letter from school stating Jimmy had Saturday School (their version of detention) this Saturday for an unauthorized absence last Wednesday. I asked Jimmy what class he missed - "a couple". And yes, I realize I stepped into this one - I asked, "Are you taking drugs?" "Of Course," he answers. His sense of humor is so dry I just couldn't tell whether he was telling the truth, or being wildly sarcastic. I'm going with sarcastic.
The M-in-L is still the M-in-L - her house, her rules. Still riding the Hubby, within my earshot, about me keeping the new house clean, but not confronting me. I'll be out of her house by the end of the week, God willing. Her house, her rules...Her house, her rules...Her house, her rules - my mantra.
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