I thought about not writing this blog anymore. I mean, it is all redundant depressive rants. But I don't think that would be wise. It's like the point of coughing is to get crap out of your lungs, the point of this blog is to get crap out of my head.
I feel better today. I don't really like working on the weekend, but conversely, I don't really like the alternative either. I may hate my job, but I'm not a third wheel here.
I haven't got my oil money, yet. And, yeah, it's driving my crazy.
I don't think my son is going to college, and that drives me crazy, too. Yes, I was the one who looked for colleges since he was a freshman. But I can't do this for him. This is his life, even if it seems like he's screwing it up. "Screwing it up" is a little harsh. I don't know, you always want more for your kids. What can I tell him? A college degree is no guarantee of a good, well paying job anymore. But it's better to have than not have. I think he wants to go to college. I just think he wants me to do the application work, and even down to picking the school out. The most I can do is the financial aid junk. I can help him with it, but that's all. If he really wants out of Oklahoma, going to college is the best way to go about it.
I still have the odd pain upper back left.
And there are the odd things that bother me: That W thinks he can do whatever he wants, because he got elected. It bothers me that the WSJ compares apples to broccoli about Kos and that Armstrong guy. It bothers me that the government has been caught breaking the law, and nobody gives a damn. I still think they're going to restart the draft. And I still say, over my dead body. It bothers me that hatred and intolerance have become the norm. America is not a theocrasy (yet), and those who are not Christian have as much right to annoyingly blare their religion (or no religion) as anybody. I'd rather be more like Mr. Rogers - with everybody my neighbor. Censorship and prohibition just don't work. Some of us like Desparate Housewives (I'm also nutty about Lost, too). If you don't like it - don't watch it. Speaking of DH, I understood they found Mrs. Huber last week - I missed it. I was watching 24. Which also sucked me right up again. Oh and about Lost: It was my running joke that Boone and Shannon were more than just brother/sister. Boone was so overprotective of Shannon. You notice that they made a big deal of them being step-siblings - "no blood relation" is how the cop put it. Yowsa!! Fugitive chick now knows Korean chick can speak english. And Harley has made up with Korean dude, and Korean dude gave him a fish. Because Locke isn't hunting for boar anymore. And Locke was such a psycho on that last episode. I think he'll have to find a way to make gunpowder and blow that hatch.
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