Friday, December 31, 2004
It's like I had the same experience at the doctor just the day before. Except that the receptionist recognizes me - as Randy's wife. So I read much too much into "What are you here for?" Feeling anxious, guilty, and angry simultaneously. Randy's the one with health problems, not me. I'm just a depressed hypochondriac - wasting a $20 co-pay.
So, no news yet. And, of course, no news today since they're closed (and I'm here at work - why?). Now I know for a fact my cholesterol is a little high, because the Oklahoma Blood Institute gives you your cholesterol results everytime you donate blood. And I'm pretty sure I'm peri-menopausal (even though the meno hasn't paused yet), but being just about the oldest woman in my family with an intact uterus, there's really noone I can ask.
I guess I could go by the All In The Family episode where Edith goes through "the Change". She was so upset with it, she felt like she wasn't a woman anymore. All I can tell you, if my periods stopped tomorrow, I'd be happy as a clam.
Wednesday, December 29, 2004
He said the results should be in tomorrow.
Tuesday, December 28, 2004
But on an unrelated matter, I have kind of decided to go back to the doctor. Even though he'll just tell me I need to eat less, exercise more, and TAKE MY ANTIDEPRESSANT. I know it's kind of perverted, but I'd like to think there's something wrong with me, something that explains all my symptoms - beyond Food-in-Mouth disease, that is. But right now, I can throw 20 bucks away.
On the house front, we think we're going Solitaire. This one, in fact. If we had our druthers, we'd have it flopped - so our bedroom is away from dog-woman next door. An actual garage would be nice, too. Randy's still wanting to put lots of money down, and so have a lower payment. He's all - "We're going to get this BIG settlement from the accident!"
Right. I'll believe it when I see it.
Update: I went ahead and made a doctor's appointment for tomorrow morning. I'd rather waste $20, than keep feeling this way.
Monday, December 27, 2004
These things don't normally happen to me.
Friday, December 24, 2004
Thursday, December 23, 2004
It's On Paper
Oh. My. God. I'm a thousandaire!!
Tuesday, December 21, 2004
My News...
Per Wikipedia here (it has a map - which I can't figure out how to copy over here), Roger Mills County is a county located in the state of Oklahoma. As of 2000, the population is 3,436. Its county seat is Cheyenne.
Monday, December 20, 2004
Having A Moment...
Today's Headline:
Saturday, December 18, 2004
Yes, I Am...
It's close to me! Close! But how do I know I can do college level work? I mean, yeah I have like 2 years at what was then Oscar Rose Junior College (now Rose State College) - no degree. But that was ages and ages ago.
Friday, December 17, 2004
Damned If I Do...
- For the last two weekends we as a department have not met service levels. We had voluntary overtime which was not fullfilled
therefore we will be moving to required overtime effective 12/18/04.
All agents, including those scheduled for 12/20 class are required to work a minimum of two hours either 12/18 or 12/19 or an hour on
each day. There is a total of 4 hours required overtime, two must be on Sat or Sun.
If you have already signed up for Saturday or Sunday or the remainder of the week, you are not required to go back and sign up again.
The overtime book is located up at WFM.
- Reminder: If you do not fullfill your overtime committment you will receive a half occurrence.
Meaning if you blow it off, it counts as an absence. Jesus, God!! I wish I cared. This just pisses me off. I have too much going on at home, but, of course, that doesn't matter. I'm considering taking the half an occurence.
No, I can't spare it.
Life sucks. And it's dragging me down with it.
Thursday, December 16, 2004
Mandatory Overtime
Not really a big deal, but it's just another one of THOSE THINGS that bother me.
- Overtime bothers me, because I don't consider it my time to give away.
- Children's books on tape or those new electronic "read along" things bother me. Sit on your butt and read to your kid. PERIOD. How did I get a reading kid? By being a reading adult.
- Along that line, don't buy children's books at Wal-Mart! They're crap. If you can't go to an actual bookstore, go to a library. If you want to buy, and don't want to or can't go to an actual bookstore, go to Target. They have a better selection of children's literature.
- Pick up your baby. Don't just stick a bottle in it's face while it sits in an infant carrier or stroller.
- Throw your trash IN THE TRASH! Not in the sink. Not on the kitchen table. Not on an end table.
- Flush. I'd add to put the toilet seat down, but that's a lost cause.
Those are the things that come to mind right now. And that's because they've threatened me with mandatory overtime here at work. Something like 4 hours, not a big deal, but it still bothers me. With Randy being in SO much pain, I don't like even being AT work, much less working over. Like today, I called him at lunch to see if his prescription was ready at the doctor's (one of those prescriptions that have to be written out every month), and, if so, if he had picked it up. OH MY GOD! I can't describe how he sounded, except I felt I needed to be home RIGHT THEN. He was beyond even the zombie mode. Needless to say, no he didn't pick up his prescription, but today is one of the days the doctor's office has after hours and I'll pick it up after work. All I could think is that he needed to be in an emergency room, being pumped full of drugs. He wasn't like this before the accident. Yes, he was still in pain all the time, but it was manageable. This zombie and beyond-zombie stuff just curls my toes. It's turned my husband from mostly active to partially home-bound (he told me yesterday, at his mom's, checking out her computer, he was in so much pain he cried - and that was just getting up out of a chair). Yes this would have happened eventually, but over time, not all at once.
They'll just have to make me. They're lucky I come to work at all.
Wednesday, December 15, 2004
Sorry for the Downer Posts
I can't tell you what gets into me that makes me crash. And I get frustrated when I know that I have to go to the doctor (Jesse Ray), and I know that his hands are tied by the @#$@ing Formulary of my @#$%ing prescription coverage (a small prayer: God, please make my work give prescription coverage back to Aetna - Amen). And I know what all he's going to say, because he's said it all before. But, yes, at some point of time I will go back to the doctor - maybe after the holidays.
Tuesday, December 14, 2004
Of course I could be being a hypochondriac.
Oh, and today, while I still don't like myself, I'm not suicidal.
Monday, December 13, 2004
Weepy Weekend
So, right now, I'm a bundle of conflicting emotions - rage (I feel like I could turn into a She-Hulk at any moment), intense self-hatred, sadness, and I'm sooo tired - I've got such a weight on my shoulders, I feel like I'm going to break.
And nobody cares.
Well, I guess I can't really say that. My husband cares, but he doesn't really know how to handle my depression and he has enough on his plate already.
Truth be told, now that I'm at work, I feel a little better. I'm not quite suicidal. Oh, don't get so upset! I think about it, I don't do.
I'm supposed to go back to the doctor, before he will write another prescription. But, geez, what a waste of time! He'll tell me I need to lose weight, and I need to exercise. We'll discuss how I'm doing on Zoloft (I'm Not!). I'll tell him that I do best on Lexapro, but it's not on the formulary, and I don't like paying full price when I have health insurance that's SUPPOSED to cover things like that. So, no, I'm not going back to the doctor, not right now. It serves no purpose.
Friday, December 10, 2004
A Cry in the Darkness
Yeah, I know - Life is precious, a gift from God - yada, yada, yada.
Of course, this morning the Hubby has forgotten all about it.
I wish I could. I wish I could be as positive towards myself as my handful of readers are. Today it's just not there. My life, my existence, doesn't matter a damn.
Tuesday, December 07, 2004
Maybe I Can Relax A Little
I can't say I'm a great parent. But maybe I can relax a little. I'm still frustrated, but I can live with that.
Monday, December 06, 2004
An Update to Jimmy's Update
Anyway, Jimmy and I had a little confab on the way to the airport (a roughly 45-50 minute drive from Guthrie). He asked me if I would be upset if he dropped Honors Calculus. "I'm just not getting it," he said. I can certainly understand not getting math, so I asked him what his grade was. It was like a B or a C. And, you know, if it was a C or a D I might have been sympathetic. I think some of the problem is everything has always just came to him. Now he's in a class he has to think about, has to work at. Having to ask for help is okay (just hard to do).
Also he's unsure about college (I'm not!!) - he doesn't know what to study. He had always assumed he would go into video game programming. I'm sorry to say, reality has hit him in the face. He's not an artist, heck he can't draw at all! And he really doesn't like computers. I told him he would be a good teacher, although they don't make alot of money (more than me!). He kind of agreed with me. And I didn't say so, he'd probably make a good lawyer, too. He's stubborn and argumentative.
I'm sorry, I'm believe that even if you end up a Wal-Mart greeter, a college education is it's own reward. And one should consider themselves lucky to be able to get one.
Sunday, December 05, 2004
I laughed. I talked (!). I even danced! And I won a $100 travelers check! Yeah, I would have like to win one of the agent and companion passes, or the grand prize (called "Pack Your Bags") a trip to San Francisco, but, geez, I never win anything! I'll take what I get.
It was a fantastic night. I really have to give it up to Randy, he stayed longer than he should have - for me.
Most of my life, I've felt I was on the outside looking in, wanting to belong. Friday night, I belonged! And it felt fantastic!!!
I'd like to feel that way more often.
Friday, December 03, 2004
Party Hearty
I'm going to have to buy a new dress. I've gained soooo much weight this year. I wish I could blame my Zoloft, but since I do little exercise and eat too much, I can only blame myself. But I just can't get my head into losing weight. It all goes back to my Rule No. 1 of successful weight loss - You have to like yourself for the person you are, because the person you are is not going to change. I don't really like myself. I mean, I'm not smart; I'm not pretty; I don't like to clean house; I don't like to cook (our oven is messed up anyway); I'm shy; I'm quiet.
Thursday, December 02, 2004
Jimmy Update
So I spoke to him before he left for school, which was difficult because I was running late, and Jimmy, you'd think he was made of stone. I told him that he didn't have to like Randy, but he has to respect him, because Randy does love him. And I told him to pay more attention to his Grandma (Randy's Mom), and to check his oil.
Have NO idea if any of it sank in.
I've decided that I'm the Fool on the Hill of the family.
Wednesday, December 01, 2004
Insurance Update
And it all could have been over, if they talked to us, and paid for all the repairs, and the like $75.00 we've spent on the doctor and prescriptions.
I had two really weird dreams last night. The first one was before the dog alarm went of at 4:00am. One of my movie dreams. Really hard to discribe. Kind of a Doris Day-Rock Hudson-ish movie combined with spy thriller. The second one was after I walked the dogs, napping in the recliner in the living room. It was before I went to work, I had mixed the contents of two pill bottles together, I thought they were the same prescription. I needed to take my anti-depressant (OMG, I'm dreaming about it!), I pour out some pills, and take one. Then I realize that I had combined different prescriptions, and I had taken one of Randy's. But I had to go to work. So, then I'm in my car, and it's dark outside (why I'm going to work in the dark, I'll never know), and I'm getting sleepy. I keep getting sleepier and sleepier, then it feels like I can't control my body. My car starts to go backwards. I tell myself all I need to do is step on the brake, but I can't. I wake up, but for a second, I'm still going backwards. Then I realize I'm in the recliner, in then living room, safe.
On the Jimmy front, last weekend I got the ex's check in the mail, it came with an itinerary for my son for this weekend. And that's the first we know about it. You know, when Jimmy was little I thought it was soooo cool that he had my personality, we just meshed. Now, he has the parts of my personality that I didn't want him to have: he's shy, and he keeps everything all bottled up inside. I've told him over and over he can talk to us. Somewhere up in heaven, my mother is sighing with relief, "Thank God! It wasn't me after all!"
And he still hasn't given any sign of what he wants to do after he graduates. And he needs to be doing something right now. He can decide not to go to college, or join the military - it is his life and his decision (and, yes, not to decide is also a decision). I just hate to see such a wonderful mind going to waste. I want to nag, to scream and yell, to shake him until he comes to his senses, but my gut goes with the baby bird analogy - he has to learn there are consequences to his actions. He has to make his own mistakes now, whether I like it or not.