Saturday, June 18, 2005

Leave My PBS Alone!!

As you can tell by my Blogroll, I love my progressive posters. I myself, while being rabidly Democrat, it's hard for me to write about it. And being shy, it's hard for me to talk about.

But I'm tired...

And I'm frustrated...

and now they're fucking with my PBS (and yes, I consider it MY PBS)! They're claiming to bring "balance", but this (requires registration - ick) isn't balance:

E-mail messages obtained by investigators at the Corporation for Public Broadcasting show that its chairman, Kenneth Y. Tomlinson, extensively consulted a White House official shortly before she joined the corporation about creating an ombudsman's office to monitor the balance and objectivity of public television and radio program.
(Oh, and I'm sorry if I'm stepping on any copyrighting toes - I don't mean to) As I understand the term "ombudsman", it doesn't mean toeing the Repub party line. In fact, this is what it means:

An appointed official whose duty is to investigate complaints, generally on behalf of individuals such as consumers or taxpayers, against institutions such as companies and government departments.
Now which individuals are complaining about PBS?
And I don't give a crap what your beliefs are. They're yours, you are entitled to them. Just don't shove them down my throat. That's one thing good about being quiet and shy, we might think you're a jack-booted Nazi, but we would never say so.
I don't know. Maybe I live in a fantasy world (lets make it TNG), but what happened to courtesy, to civility? If you're going to say something that would make your horrified mother say, "That's not nice!", why say it? (and DOES Rush Limbaugh kiss his mother with that mouth?) And no, I'm not talking about a return to the repressive Victorian era, some (god! not me) may want that genie back in the bottle, but it's not going to happen. I'm talking about not acting like a school yard bully.
I guess that's why I'll always prefer the big tent of the Democrats (even if we're arguing amongst ourselves), to the Republican Borg.
And if they ever come to take me to that nice, new Haliburton prison in Gitmo, thanks to their slavish devotion to the 2nd Amendment, it won't be without a fight.

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