The Last Temptation by Digby.
I don't usually do politics or religion, because it's not easy for me to write.
I've been a Democrat since 1972 (but since I come from a line of Roosevelt Democrats, it was pretty pre-determined). I became a Democrat in 8th Grade, my Civics, the teacher (she had a blond boufant, but that's all I remember) had us make signs for the election. Mine read "Can we stand four more years of Nixon?" I had wanted it to read "President Nixon" for emphasis, but my stencils were too big. On election day, she brought in an actual voting machine, and had all of her classes vote for president. It was all of her classes to 2, I had convinced my friend, Bea, to vote for McGovern. I wasn't happy with the results, but I was proud of myself (the whole thing is on the odd side. I never did homework - but I did the sign, and I normally hated myself).
Posts like Digby's scare me. It just seems so obvious. I can just see me telling my grandkids about the freedoms we used to have. How we could go anywhere we wanted, and say anything we wanted. And the grandkids look at me in horror and disgust and say, "What the hell happened?"
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