Guthrie -- Logan County Sheriff Randy Richardson and District Attorney Rob Hudson will talk to county residents about the need for a new Logan County Jail, Richardson said.
Yes, Logan County needs a new jail. The old one is in the basement of the Logan County Courthouse, a hundred or so years old. Calling it decrepit is being kind.
On March 1, there will be a special election where we decide to adopt a 10 year 3/4 cent sales tax to pay for said new jail. It's not going to happen. Guthrie's sales tax is already 83/4 cents, and what do we get for that? It looks like this has actually lit a fire under Guthrie city government. They've decided, "Damn, this might be bad for us!" You can read the city councils arguments here.
Couldn't we have decided the sales tax was too high, like a penny ago?
They've needed to replace the jail for at least 30 years. It's to the point of being dangerous. Couldn't they have done it during the good old oil bubble days of the late 70s, early 80s, when everybody had money?
But it's not going to happen now. We don't have the money to spare. The city has just now discovered they have a high sales tax, and isn't going along with the county's percieved urgent need.
I actually live outside of Guthrie in District 2, so the county government IS my government. They can go screw themselves. The only places you see a sheriff's car is at the county courthouse, or on I35 head to or from OKC. God forbid they actually patrol the county. When the Hubby worked for the county (laborer, truck driver), it was the only job he had where he got into trouble for WORKING TOO HARD. They keep trying to make water run uphill on our road. Just last week they cut deep ditches on the sides of Midwest (in fact cutting the phone line in 2 places - we were out of service most of that day), making the road just barely fit 2 cars. And then they didn't even grade it smooth. And it has since rained, and the road is a soupy mess.
The Hubby swears he's going to call our County Commissioner and complain. I think I'm going to hold him to it this time.
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