Tuesday, August 10, 2004


Today, I do wish somebody would read this. I need advice.
Everybody knows I've been depressed roughly half my life, so you would think I could recognize it in my own son. His personality is alot like mine. I think he's depressed, but he won't talk to me. I ask if he's depressed, or angry and all I get is "no."
Geez, I know he's upset because he's failed the driving test twice. But he know's how to pass! The Tester told him! I told him! The Hubby told him!
I just want to know what's going on! He's quieter than usual.
I know about teenage depression. I was depressed from Third Grade (prerequisite traumatic event) until around 20. I didn't tell my parents crap! I didn't want to upset them. I already knew I was the defective one.
I. know. Depression.
Why won't he talk to me?
I feel like such a failure.

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