Thursday, August 26, 2004

The Question is JOB SERCURITY

Rumors are running rampant here at work that they may close the center sometime after Christmas. The head of the center says ain't no animal (as job security) and I need to make myself "marketable". Does that mean they'll pay for me to go back to school? Only if it is directly relatable to my work - so the answer is no.


Geez, I hate looking for a job. Because I'm insecure, I don't do resumes well. Because I'm shy, I don't interview well. Then there's the whole making myself look nice crap. Then, because it's Oklahoma, it's doubtful I'd get paid a living wage, maybe an existable one.

So the question is, do I look for a job now, or do I let them push me out the door (and collect unemployment)? I'm torn.
This would be another time I wish I actually had readers.

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