I did take my Zoloft today. And yesterday. So, can anybody tell me why I'm down? I'm not crashing. I'm not suicidal. I'm just down.
I think it's all old stuff. Old insecurites.
I would love to be like my favorite blogs: Pandagon (Jesse and Ezra are sooo cute), Kevin Drum at Washington Monthly, Atrios, David Neiwert of Orcinus, Eric Alterman, Skippy, Southknox Bubba et. al. I can be as righteously indignant as the next left leaning blogger. And, geez, how I hate George Bush! But I can't convince my right leaning husband how just plain dangerous repubs are. Just this morning he was going on about how great John McCain's speech was. Now, although he'll deny it, he's alot like his Dad. Who took much pleasure in goading his wife into anger. My Hubby also knows exactly what buttons to press. So, he may have been trying to make me mad on purpose, I'm not sure. Those above are bloggers way more able than me (I?) to give opinion, perspective, facts on current events.
But, I don't know, maybe I'm being too hard on myself. Maybe I should just let my own voice flow, without worrying how it sounds, whether it's good or bad.
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