Yes, the dog alarm went off at 5AM as usual, so I may have been napping in the recliner, but I was technically up. My son's alarm went of first at 6AM, then at 6:15AM, and at about 6:25 I woke him up so we to go to the Edmond, OK DMV to take the driving test. It takes him forever to get ready, but my dad was that way, too.
When we get to the DMV, My boy was, like, 77 on the list. That's at freaking 7:30AM!
I learned they had been lining up since 5AM. Anyway, we're in a line, not sure for what, for another 2 1/2 hours. We learn that's the line to make the appointment for the actual test. Damn. The clerk asked me what time I preferred. I said, "Now?!"
He laughed, showed me the days list and said, "I'm sorry, all these people are ahead of you." The earliest we could get was 2:15PM. Now I have to be at work at 12:30PM, the Boy was scheduled at 2PM. The Hubby is stressing over his mother, and has too (too, too, too, too) much on his mind. First my son calls his work to see if they would let him come in a little late (he swore they wouldn't), and he explained what it was for and they said yes. (Then his Dad calls and acts like an ass, but that's not news - and it's another post)
Calling my work is a little stickier. I can't just ask for the day off, while I may not be hanging by a thread, I just can't call in. But I have to do something. So I call in to our Workforce Department to see if I can get what's called "Low Call" until 4PM. That's when the volume of calls in are low enough to let people go early (or in my case, come in late) without pay. They said no, so I spoke to my direct supervisor, who at first referred me back to Workforce, I told her I did that, then she spoke to her supervisor. She gave me Low Call until 3:30PM.
We spent more time getting to the DMV, than the test took.
Right turn on red AFTER STOP!
We get to try again next week.
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