Monday, July 12, 2004

Can Nobody Help Me?

I've been using this blog as a way to spew. As a person who's normally shy, introverted (and no, that's not necessarily an oxymoron), and depressed (how many years now?), it's cheap therapy. And although I could, I'm not going to rant again about my health insurance, copays, my ignorant prescription coverage, it serves no purpose. At least I have health insurance, for now.
I am a complete newbie. I just started reading blogs this year. I have my regulars, Eric Alterman, Kevin Drum (OT - why are there so many bloggers named Kevin?), Atrios, not to mention my boys at Pandagon. I can't help but think that is so cool. It's why I started this.

Depressed Me says: I get so frustrated, though. I'm not nearly in their league, why am I trying? Who am I trying to kid? Just who do you think you are? This is worthless crap. (please, somebody stop me!)

Not Depressed Me says: This is fantastic! I can say anything I want. People from everywhere can read it, or not, that doesn't matter. You know I need to read up on web design and html, I can make this the best damn site nobody reads!

And then I have this genetic hatred of being ignored, I've had it all my life (and yes, I realize the irony of being shy and hating to be ignored).
I don't know what I'm trying to say, this post. My mind is a jumbled mess. But then, I am Ms. Not Together.


Doug said...


Just enjoy it. Some days you get five readers, some you get a bunch. The point in blogging, to me, is to share our thoughts. It's also a great venue for unvarnished writing. The more original your stuff is, as opposed to folks who just link to others, like Instapundit, the more people will read you. Trust me. I've just been blogging since February, and 298 people visited my blog yesterday.

You are not alone.

Anonymous said...

That's okay, I'm not in their league either and I'm one of them! It takes time to et noticed and it takes time to succeed at the medium. Pop links to relevant posts in the comments at pandagon, that'll net you a few visitors. Let Jesse or I know when you've put down something especially noteworth and we may link. But don't get down on the blog, readers are nice but unless you enjoy doing it without them, you're not going to enjoy the added pressure of doing it for them.
