I was looking at Pandagon today (sorry, I'm new at this and don't know how to link. Also I usually do this at work, and the Help is blocked but posting to my blog isn't - go figure), laughing at The Club for Growth's completely inane add supposedly for W (it just doesn't play that way). Anyway, I'm at their site and the second add is...
Tom Coburn's Baby add!
You know the one says he's delivered all these babies, he's SINGLEHANDEDLY got some legislation or so (I pay so much attention) passed.
Yeah, singlehandedly! That's a riot!
Geez, the thing that really stinks, (although I know it's pretty much a given anymore) is here is an out of state, completely outsider group shilling for Coburn.
What?! Are Anthony and Humphreys not republican enough? Hell, Humphreys (I'm sorry, can't stand him) has all our in state republicans shilling for him. I still say, if you're Republican, there is only one choice - Bob Anthony. As Corporation Commissioner he's been a pretty good watch dog. He actually has done more for Oklahomans than Coburn or Humphreys.
UPDATE I finally paid more attention to that commercial, well, than I usually do. They claim he singlehandedly saved $1 billion in wasted! Sounds like a goddamn superhero to me!
PS I think I've figured that link thing. We'll see.
Your HTML skills are up to snuff :-). The links worked just fine.
Hey, thanks for coming! I have had sooo much help from the blog community!.
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