Friday, June 18, 2004

Zionists, Riiiight!

So, Saudi Arabia says Al Qaida is in league with "Zionists". I guess that's as believeable as Saddam/Al Qaida/911 connections.


Anonymous said...

While it does sound crackpot on first blush, the amount of officially propagated disinformation surrounding al Qaeda makes a lot of conspiracy theories tempting.

Neocons and Zionists had a lot to do with training and supplying the mujaheddin in their fight against the old Soviet Union. The same fighting force later assisted the Bonsians when they fighting the Serbs and they've also been despatched to the various 'stans surrounding the oil rich Caspian region.

al Qaeda as a movement really, really wants to *purify* Saudi Arabia and Israel is currently run by wingnuts who have supported militant Islamic terrorists in the past; specifically Hamas, in an effort to undermine the secular terror groups controlled by Arafat.

There's been no verifiable proof offered, so it remains, as you say, a conspiracy theory.

I'll put away my foil hat now :-)


Ms. Not Together said...

I don't see it so much as a crackpot idea so much as, I don't know, a cover up. Like they can't believe their own people can hate their government's guts.