Sunday, December 21, 2008

I Broke My Car

....I think.

Yesterday morning while on my way to work, my car starting making a screaming-ish, grinding-ish noise. I did what I usually do regarding upsetting car noise - I turned up the radio and tried to ignore it. Well, that worked on the way to work (from Guthrie to Stillwater). On the way home, however, that strategy just didn't work. I got gas at the station on highways 177 & 33, then turned onto 33 toward Guthrie. I had got up to about 60 mph, still with the screaming-ish, grinding-ish noise...and the car just stopped. cold. I pulled over, tried to restart the car with no success, cried, called the Hubby (who said he would call my stepson, jason to come with the trailer to get me and my car), cried, knitted until my hands got too cold, cried some more, started the car (but still with the screaming-ish, grinding-ish noise), decided the noise was bad and turned it off, got a call from the Hubby that stepson, Jason, and his friend, Tommy, were on their way, and an hour later the car was on the trailer and I was in the backseat of Tommy's truck. Then a little bit down the road, one of the trailer tires peels off. Since it has, like, two axles, the Hubby said to just keep driving, just a little slower. And now it's still on the trailer at my Mother-in-Law's pasture. sigh.

I hate car noise. I hate car trouble in the middle of nowhere. At least this time I had a cell phone.

Saturday, December 06, 2008

Wow, has it been two months since the last post?!

Sad thing is nothing much has happened. And while most of the nation has decided to walk boldly into the future with Barack Obama, Oklahoma decided to regress further back into the stone age. Hopefully, but not realistically, they'll screw us up so bad, we'll vote them out in the next election. Sigh. And I'll tell ya, anyone who voted against President-elect Obama here or anywhere McCain won, IMHO, it was because he's (OMG! Really?!) black. I swear you'd think he was satan's spawn himself. I just get tired of it. you'll see. One of the greats. You'll see.

Other than the thankfully over election, not much has happened with me. Still cashiering at Wally World. I did work the Blitz (Black Friday in WM-speak). It's just a thing to see. Lot's of tv's. Lot's of cheap DVD's. I did manage to score the $20 500-thread count sheets. I almost bought a $17 16 qt slow cooker, but I realized I don't cook. And since I had already planned out the presents I was going to give, I just got to sit back and watch the fun. Nobody trampled in Stillwater. No fights that I know of. And then, as quickly as it started, it was over.

Me and the Hubby recently learned two things: that we had more money in savings than we thought we did and the chair lift for the van was cheaper than we had been told. It means I'll have to dip into the tax savings, but if it means the Hubby gets out and about more, it's worth it.
My son's in Japan, or wherever the USS George Washington happens to be. My sister bought his VW, we're waiting for the title to be mailed. So he's getting an apartment there, on-base, off-base, who knows? I just hope I get Japanese stuff. way cool.

I've been slightly sad lately. It may be hormonal (or lack thereof). I kinda figured my happiness scale at 40% happy, 40% neither happy nor sad, 20% sad. I figure those are pretty good numbers. I can live with them.

Thursday, October 09, 2008

I'm Not That Strong

It turns out, I'm a big wiennie! I'll be 49 on Monday, (and, yes, the federal government has graciously made is a holiday, since I'm so modest, they call it Columbus day) Yay!! I get to hang onto my forties for one more year. And I'd say I don't feel old, but that's not quite true. In my mind, I'm the same dumb kid I always was. My body, however, is singing a different tune. Losing weight is more difficult (of course that assumes effort). Joints are achey at times. Periods are hit and miss (I think I had one in July), and no, I don't miss them. Hot flashes and night sweats are new. And Oh My God, OMG, OMG! are they annoying! And I've been mildly depressed lately, without a real reason for sadness. My mother had had a hysterectomy after I was born, but she always said they left in her ovaries. So, even though she wouldn't have a a meno to pause, she should have had the other symptoms. Theoretically. I wished I had paid attention. I brought this on myself, you know. I asked for my period to stop. Well, it's time to pay the piper. I really don't have anybody to discuss this with. My (older) sister had a hysterectomy in her mid-thirties, she had an ovary removed earlier because of a cyst, so at that time had one. Well, it had a big cyst on it, too, so there it went. She's been on hormone replacement ever since. So she doesn't know. And I don't really want to blab on and on about this, because I don't really want to annoy people. It's sooo...whiney. But there you go.

My son is now in the far east, right now his ship is creeping out North Korea by being in South Korea. It's actual base is Yokosuka, Japan. And yes, empty nest syndrome is another thing I'm not dealing well with.


Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Calling a Hoover a Hoover

Can the roaring twenties come to an end without crashing? And can we actually put the blame where it belongs: on the republican party? Anybody remember the eighties? Anybody... Anybody? Remember how deregulation was supposed to be good for us? Remember how they crowed how executives were worth their obscene pay? Are chickens going to come home to roost at last?

Vote democrat. As Roosevelt saved the nation, so will Obama.

Oh, and can we Please kick out that ignart Inhofe?!

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Do Ya Think I'm Stupid?

Ok, don't answer that.

But still, Sarah Palin? OMG! I mean, really, OH MY GOD!! Did he...just pick a woman for the sake of a woman (under the misguided attempt at Hillary supporters)? Did he sincerely go after the fruit-loopiest fundie woman (who just happens to be hot)? Or was hotness up first? And I would like to know why she would fly for nine hours, having minor contractions, leaking amniotic fluid, from Dallas Tx, back to Podunk Ak? In fact, knowing her baby had health issues, why would she fly in her 8th month AT ALL. That's Pro-Life?! Somebody tell me. And the pregnant teen thing is just not an issue for me. My Grandma Ben was 15 when my mom was born. My sister was a pregnant 17 year old (was as big as a barn when she graduated). I don't know really what happened to Grandma Ben, I've heard rape. My sister was screwing around with her (then) boyfriend - who I thought was so cute. That's what kids do. They get horny, they screw around. Can we NOT just give them a TAD of REAL information. Isn't the saying, "Forwarned is Forarmed"? Shouldn't kids be "forwarned"?

Saturday, August 23, 2008

First it was this:

By Steve Liewer
8:51 p.m. June 6, 2008
CORONADO – A stubborn fire May 22 aboard the aircraft carrier George Washington damaged 80 of the ship's 3,800 rooms, according to a preliminary assessment released Friday by the Navy.
The blaze also caused minor injuries to 24 sailors.


4:45 a.m. August 21, 2008
SAN DIEGO – The nuclear-powered aircraft carrier USS George Washington, which has been docked in San Diego for several months while undergoing repairs stemming from a fire, departed Thursday for Japan, Navy officials said.

There goes my son. I sent off his passport (which came to my house) to his ship's address. It was nice to be able to talk to him every now and again. It's exciting, yet there he goes, my adult son. sigh. Oh, well. I do have dogs and cats.
My life is the same: work home, home work. The only really new thing is now my car's air conditioner doesn't work. YAY!! 40-ish minute drive in blistering heat. And no money. I did finish a sock yesterday, only to find I made the foot portion too short. It technically fits my foot, but tight. The next sock will be better. I have also fininshed my first crocheted project, an afghan. My dogs and cats are in love. I've also found a knitter's group at my Wal-Mart!!! How great is that?! Well, I'm getting tired.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

The Sin of Smugness

I confess! I'm guilty. It is a sin, right? I left a smug comment about my balmy 95 degree weather, and what did I get? Low 100's, and high humidity, and not a drop of rain in sight, that is - a typical Oklahoma summer, if just a smidge late. Thank God for wind, even though it feels like a hot breath on your face. Also, Thank God for central air, even if we do keep it around 80 degrees, compared to outside, it's cool. Not even the dogs want to go out for long - pottying done, back in the house. Except for Ziva, the dachshund, who has to bark hysterically at the neighbor (as in next door, not neighborly)'s cat, who's a big orange-colored cat I call punkin. ...And who could totally kick Ziva's ass. Moron dog. I physically had to pick her up to bring her back in the house. Typical dachshund. More courage than brain.

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

This is basically something I do for me. I have to. Otherwise I'll just keep it all inside. But I'm really not doing anything other than going to work. Guthrie to Stillwater, 5 days aweek. sigh.
I want to go. I want to do. No money. no more. My fault.

Sunday, June 01, 2008

I know I need to write. I guess I have kind of a block. It doesn't really matter, of course, nobody reads this.

Ok, this is for my husband, who thankfully doesn't read this.

Shut up! Shut up, shut up, shut up! You don't know what the hell you're talking about! Obama is ten times the man McCain is! The gun people send you little snippets or outright lies and you just eat it up! There is no talking to you. I refuse to talk to you. It serves no purpose. I get upset, you get upset. What good does that serve? I'm not going to argue. I don't like confrontation. I had enough of that the first go round. You believe (incorrectly) what you want to believe, I'l believe what I want to believe. Just let me be.


Can it be November already?

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Valparaiso, Chile Travelogue

Through the eyes of my son....

So Chili was pretty cool (hah). Seriously, it was cold and foggy for the extent of our visit. It is fall going on winter down there. Didn't get to go on the one tour I was allowed to get ('cus reactor department had working days. Blech) because the barge that the little liberty boats pull up to to drop off people broke lines and was no longer stable enough to get people across safely. The GW solution to the busted barge? Have everybody that wasn't able to get back that night load up in busses/a gym/ a halfway house for uncomfortable sleep surrounded by exhuberant drunks and the disgruntled sober guys around them (I was on duty, so I got a lovely 4 hours of rack sleep in between watches), and the next day, without replacing the barge, bring all those guys back, and just cancel tours and liberty for that last day in port. I wzs pretty pissed. Really wanted to taste me some fine wine. Gotta get a taste for it somehow. Need to see what other people got for pictures since all I got was stuff on the bus (and a lot of pictures of this one guy drunk becasue the guy I handed my camera to thought it was really funny). Didn't end up doing much but go to a mall (with really awesome winter clothes! I bought this great (i.e. expensive) brown peacoat with a hood. Like wearing a big, comfy blanket. With toggles.), eat at a couple of nice restaurants (the first one was hilarious. Okay, so when we get in there they have music videos playing on the TVs. Now this is a really fancy eatery, but I guess they were just so excited to have Americans in town that the videos that they had on were all cheesy 80s hits. Nothing beats a glass of good wine while listening to "I Went To the Danger Zone" followed by "Eye of The Tiger." Then one of the guys that works there got on the little kareoke stage they had and started singing American stuff. Got some great (really wavy) pics of the dude dressed up like a lion while he was doing "Can You Feel The Love Tonight."), then stumble over (still have no clear recollection of how I got there) to a casino where I was too drunk to do any gambling, which was good. I've yet to recieve the inevitably embarassing picture this chick on the boat got of me while I was there. Kinda boring, but it was still fun.

....of course, I then had to have him explain to me how he got to see Chile when he was stuck on the ship.

Monday, May 05, 2008

Rio Travelogue

So, here is how my son describes Rio de Janiero, Brazil.

So Rio’s an interesting place. If you like sand. And water. And sexually (and mosquitoly) transmitted diseases. Really pretty from a distance. Beautiful scenery, but unfortunately there’s this old dirty city thrown in the middle of the rainforest covered, mountainous coastline, which, if you’re standing way back so you can see the hill with the structures precariously strewn across it, is gorgeous. Once you get on the bus and start driving through the slums (gotta be like 80% of the friggin overpopulated burg) it’s not so pretty anymore. To be fair, every building that I walked through was nice and clean, but even the good buildings (except for the ones that are obviously new or beachfront property) look really grimy and rundown on the outside. The tour I went on went only to a few stops, but apparently there aren’t that many safe tourist spots in the area anyways, since the non-tour area was limited to a the beaches Copacabana and Ipanema and a few blocks in from that. The first thing we went to was this cathedral that was constructed like a giant steel and stained-glass teepee. The outside’s not that spectacular looking, but once you go inside it’s just like any other massive church with a huge vaulted ceiling and statues and such. The open air design works out pretty well for how hot the climate there is. After that we went to these two mountains connected to the valley below by cable car. We could get a view of the entire area from the second, but it was a rainy day so the second mountain was completely encased in a cloud and we couldn’t see anything at all from up there. Then we went to a restaurant (the first place I had one of the national drink: the Caipirinha which is made out of lime and some crazy strong local liquor. Kinda tastes like a margarita. You’d probably like it. [aside - I probably would] On the way out I was also accosted by the license plate guy for the first time, and the dude wanted 60 real, like 37 bucks, for the silly thing. Actually followed the tour group to the hotel we were dropped off at later and remembered me specifically, still not lowering the price much. Next day I was able to get it from another guy for fifteen. I dislike very much the street vendors.) After the eating we went to the giant Jesus, which required a train ride to the mountain it sits on and then climbing a load of stairs (there’s an elevator, too). It is a really big savior, I’ll tell ya that. Kinda silly, though, the way most of the people weren’t at all reverent of the situation and were merely posing in silly positions with the Christian son of god (you don’t nipple tweak Jesus, I don’t care who you are). Would’ve expected a little more lightning at that point. It was still super cloudy, so we couldn’t get any good shots of the town or shoreline from up there (Interesting tidbit: the great big ol’ Jesus faces the sea, but I found a postcard in the tourist shop that has the picture of the shoreline with the big lug facing the camera. Guess the Brazilians aren’t above photoshopping their national monuments. Related note: there’s this completely unphotoshopped picture one guy took of a statue holding a rifle and clutching his heart like he just got shot. Taken from the left side, this looks like a guy with a gun between his legs, actively thrusting. Funny stuff).

Back to me. Hopefully, I'll get something similar about Chile.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

USS George Washington - underway clip #2

Isn't the internet a wonderful thing. Here's a clip of my son's ship leaving Norfolk, VA on it's way to it's ultimate destination: Japan.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Another Life Lesson

...and one that should be fairly obvious: DON'T POKE YOURSELF IN THE EYE! Early Friday morning, in bed, I was turning from back to stomach, and POKE!! My right thumbnail right in my left eye. OMG, pain, tearing, sensitivity to light - what the hell did I do to myself. Well, I found out. I went that morning to my eye doctor, I tore my cornea. Right now I'm wearing a plain soft contact lens as a patch, yesterday I took the Lortabs prescribed to me and slept most of the day. I feel alot better today. Needless to say, I didn't go to work yesterday, and luckily, have the actual weekend off.


In other news, I'm still poor and happy. I just learned from my son that his ship (the USS George Washington CV73) has just left Rio De Janeiro, Brazil on it's ultimate destination of Japan. Next up is Chile, I think. If you Google "USS George Washington leaves Norfolk, VA" you should find 2 local tv news reports showing it leaving (my son was supposed to be one of those in dress uniforms lining the deck - he was not happy). One I saw fine, the other I couldn't for some reason. He said he took lots of pictures, but doesn't know how to download them to email. Ha! Like mother, like son.

Ta for now, remember, don't poke yourself in the eye.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Hooray! I'm Poor

Ok, I know it's been a while. I just don't get online as often as I'd like. Anyway, the hubby and I are officially low-income! Enough to be on the program that picks up the lions share of the prescriptions! Not enough, naturally, to get food stamps. Of course, I don't know why we were kicked out of it last year. Do you have to do that every year?

Of course that begs the question, what if you're NOT low income enough? How can you possibly pay what we did for the Hubby's prescriptions, and all your other bills, too? I will never, as long as I live, forget that $655.21. For one prescription.

And, and, and now the Hubby has a power chair and we can go places and do things!!

Arthritis be damned!

Friday, March 14, 2008

Falling into the Donut Hole

Today, I have paid the most, MOST! money I have ever paid for a 30-day prescription: $655.21. That's right, one single prescription, $655.21. Holy crap!!

And I have to give a hearty THANK YOU! to GWB for his Medicare Part D prescription program.

The hubby went on Part D when I was unceremoniously canned from Cendant/Trilegiant/Whateverthehell It Ended Up Being in February 2006. At the same time I had gone to DHS and they put us on a program to cover the Part D copays and premiums. That ended the end of 2007, after I had gotten the job at the old Stillwater Wal-Mart.

First we noticed the premiums, bad, but not horrible. But, hey, that was the cost for the program, right? That's going to cover all of the Hubby's prescriptions, right? Then after the new year, we get these warning letters stating that we're getting close to the "donut hole". What is the "donut hole" you ask? Well, with Part D, or at least the Hubby's Humana, we pay copays up to a certain amount, then we pay all of the next $4,000-odd, then they pony up the rest. Who the hell thought this up?! Who the hell thought this was a good idea?!

Little did I know how much that was. How did I know that one, ONE, prescription was going to be $655.21. So, using the very helpful printout from my wonderful pharmacy, I know that it's going to take roughly the rest of the year to pay off the "hole". At which time, I think, it's starts all over again. I would be nice if the "hole" was a one time thing, but YEARLY?!

I make too much for the low income supplement (although I did reapply today). So the Hubby's vaunted Part D will only pay 2 1/2 months?!! And we're stuck paying THE REST the rest of the year?!

What the hell?!


None of this makes any fucking sense.

Friday, March 07, 2008

So Much To Do

So, why aren't I doing it?

I feel kind of paralyzed.
I need to be doing laundry. I need to be looking for a pin for my son in his mail. I need to walk the dogs again. I need to be planning the trip to Norfolk, VA to see my son one last time before his ship leaves for Japan. I need to take a library book back. I need go to the drug store and see if the Hubby's 'scrips are ready. I need to be thinking about my future and whether I want it to be with Wally World forever.

None. of. it.

I keep having these things run through my head, but do I write them down? Am I doing it now?



Anyway, Randy had the bone spur from hell removed from his right shoulder. Complete pain. Can't use the arm (yet). Have heard horror stories from people at work about similar surgeries gone wrong. How they lost the use of the arm because they didn't have physical therapy.

Hopefully I'm, once again, making a mountain out of a molehill. I do that quite well.

We now have high speed satellite internet. But we didn't get a copy of the paperwork, our printer out of ink. The installer put it into the hubby's laptop, but we can only find something password protected. We got a temp username and password, but they don't work. Why? Well, for some reason they show we have 5 accounts, and they're not sure which account the password works for. What?! Am I paying for 5 accounts? I better not be!! We keep getting, excuse the language, dicked around. Right now I'm no. 2 in the queue for their tech chat. Will I get answers? Well, probably not, but we'll see.

Let's see, while I wait...

Politics: I was a staunch Edwards supporter. So I guess now I'm for Obama, because I can't stand Hillary Clinton. She's just too much like a republican. Too calculating, from the beginning - moving from Arkansas to New York just to run for the senate, which was a springboard for the presidency. Did working for the public good factor into any of this?

And Wow!! the Bush years were sooo GREAT!! We just want to continue same ol', same ol' with McCain!!

Didn't we learn from Nixon that dirty tricks, while maybe effective, is BAD?!

At what point is selling your soul for the office you seek, ok?

Why is being nice wrong?

chatting now, got to go. Oh, and the children ( the dogs) need to go potty.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Kiss My Ass, Cap One

Did I tell you I got a new oil lease? Well I did. I'm not as happy as I was in 2005. But I think that's more a screwup in my head than anything. Because I should be, it maybe only temporary, but I should enjoy it while I have it.

Anyway, I've had problems making my car payment since being unemployed. And as a shy person, I'm easily cowed by the calls and the pressure. My son helped me bring it up to date once, but it got behind again before I started at Wally World. They wanted me to make him do that again. I said no. They want me to pay either over the phone or through Western Union. I said no. They're threatening me with repossession, even though I may be behind, I pay what I can and regularly. Well all that ends. IT ENDS. I wasn't actually planning to pay off the car with my windfall, but they're pissing me off. So. I called them. I asked what the payoff is (waaay too much for my POS), and I'm sending them a check on Monday. Then my POS will be MY POS.


Hopefully, I can save a chunk of it this time. At least to pay the taxes on it next year. I don't really want anything. I'd like to travel. I'd like to see my friends again. I HATE losing track of people. And I have a lifetime of that. My sister seems to keep in touch with all of her old friends. I'd like to have a party. A LOUD party. A loud, rockin', raucous party! One that guarantees the dog woman next door would call the sheriff.
Seriously cool.

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

The Hubby starts his couselling today. Hurray!! I hope something will come from it. I guess it would be too much to ask for to have him let go of his past.

Not much is going on in my life. I'm getting an assload of money any day now, but, as I've said before, it's not making me happy, the opposite in fact. My job is secure, but it still seems weird to be going backwards in my "career". And I DO mean "career" loosely, I've never really done anything that suited me, I've always just had "jobs". I mean I don't know what I was supposed to do when I grew up. Is it too late? I'd like to go to college, but I don't have a head for math. Can I cherry pick the classes I take (which I would have the money for only this year)? I'd like to travel, but I don't have a reliable car (and, again, I'd only have money this year). I'd like to be on The Amazing Race (with David from Cendant), and on the View, but let's face it, I'm a shy, quiet nobody from nowheresville, Oklahoma. I'm 48 years old, and I feel life is passing me by, and it royally pisses me off.

Well, dogs want to potty. I'd better go.

Thursday, January 03, 2008

Has It Been Two Whole Months?

Geez, where has the time (and my energy) gone?
I'm still cashiering at the old Stillwater Wally World. I got to see firsthand an after Thanksgiving sale. I had never bothered with them as a consumer. It was really interesting to watch. There were some good buys. I was an extra cashier in Jewelry. I had a 5am to 2pm shift that day. It was just kind of freaky to see how many people were waiting for the sales to start. It seemed to me that it wasn't as busy as it should have been, and that was confirmed by others who'd worked previous "blitzes".
I don't get on the internet as much as I would like to. Free time, slow computer, and dialup internet service seem to be conspiring against me. And I know I need to write more, but it's like it's not there, it's slipping away.
Randy is the same. He signed up for (hopefully) a Part C gap insurance so he can get the surgeries he needs this year. Starting with his shoulders bone spurs. And then maybe hip replacements. Oh and starting next week he'll be seeing a counselor for his depression (yay!!).
Me? I still don't seem to have much of a life. I think I should be happy, but I'm not. I'm getting some more oil lease money (more than last time!) just after the new year. But instead of making me happy (like last time), I'm just apprehensive. I'm not sure if I should pay off my car. I know I'll be able, finally, to pay the taxes on 2005, and hopefully put back enough to pay this years. But, this time, I don't think it's going to make a difference in my life. I can't move. I can't get a new car. I can't really do anything with it. Whatever I do, It'll be gone before I'm ready, and then I'll just go back to the way it was before. My life - in shades of grey. I want color, but I'm not sure how to do that.