Through the eyes of my son....
So Chili was pretty cool (hah). Seriously, it was cold and foggy for the extent of our visit. It is fall going on winter down there. Didn't get to go on the one tour I was allowed to get ('cus reactor department had working days. Blech) because the barge that the little liberty boats pull up to to drop off people broke lines and was no longer stable enough to get people across safely. The GW solution to the busted barge? Have everybody that wasn't able to get back that night load up in busses/a gym/ a halfway house for uncomfortable sleep surrounded by exhuberant drunks and the disgruntled sober guys around them (I was on duty, so I got a lovely 4 hours of rack sleep in between watches), and the next day, without replacing the barge, bring all those guys back, and just cancel tours and liberty for that last day in port. I wzs pretty pissed. Really wanted to taste me some fine wine. Gotta get a taste for it somehow. Need to see what other people got for pictures since all I got was stuff on the bus (and a lot of pictures of this one guy drunk becasue the guy I handed my camera to thought it was really funny). Didn't end up doing much but go to a mall (with really awesome winter clothes! I bought this great (i.e. expensive) brown peacoat with a hood. Like wearing a big, comfy blanket. With toggles.), eat at a couple of nice restaurants (the first one was hilarious. Okay, so when we get in there they have music videos playing on the TVs. Now this is a really fancy eatery, but I guess they were just so excited to have Americans in town that the videos that they had on were all cheesy 80s hits. Nothing beats a glass of good wine while listening to "I Went To the Danger Zone" followed by "Eye of The Tiger." Then one of the guys that works there got on the little kareoke stage they had and started singing American stuff. Got some great (really wavy) pics of the dude dressed up like a lion while he was doing "Can You Feel The Love Tonight."), then stumble over (still have no clear recollection of how I got there) to a casino where I was too drunk to do any gambling, which was good. I've yet to recieve the inevitably embarassing picture this chick on the boat got of me while I was there. Kinda boring, but it was still fun.
....of course, I then had to have him explain to me how he got to see Chile when he was stuck on the ship.
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