Friday, March 07, 2008

So Much To Do

So, why aren't I doing it?

I feel kind of paralyzed.
I need to be doing laundry. I need to be looking for a pin for my son in his mail. I need to walk the dogs again. I need to be planning the trip to Norfolk, VA to see my son one last time before his ship leaves for Japan. I need to take a library book back. I need go to the drug store and see if the Hubby's 'scrips are ready. I need to be thinking about my future and whether I want it to be with Wally World forever.

None. of. it.

I keep having these things run through my head, but do I write them down? Am I doing it now?



Anyway, Randy had the bone spur from hell removed from his right shoulder. Complete pain. Can't use the arm (yet). Have heard horror stories from people at work about similar surgeries gone wrong. How they lost the use of the arm because they didn't have physical therapy.

Hopefully I'm, once again, making a mountain out of a molehill. I do that quite well.

We now have high speed satellite internet. But we didn't get a copy of the paperwork, our printer out of ink. The installer put it into the hubby's laptop, but we can only find something password protected. We got a temp username and password, but they don't work. Why? Well, for some reason they show we have 5 accounts, and they're not sure which account the password works for. What?! Am I paying for 5 accounts? I better not be!! We keep getting, excuse the language, dicked around. Right now I'm no. 2 in the queue for their tech chat. Will I get answers? Well, probably not, but we'll see.

Let's see, while I wait...

Politics: I was a staunch Edwards supporter. So I guess now I'm for Obama, because I can't stand Hillary Clinton. She's just too much like a republican. Too calculating, from the beginning - moving from Arkansas to New York just to run for the senate, which was a springboard for the presidency. Did working for the public good factor into any of this?

And Wow!! the Bush years were sooo GREAT!! We just want to continue same ol', same ol' with McCain!!

Didn't we learn from Nixon that dirty tricks, while maybe effective, is BAD?!

At what point is selling your soul for the office you seek, ok?

Why is being nice wrong?

chatting now, got to go. Oh, and the children ( the dogs) need to go potty.

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