Friday, March 14, 2008

Falling into the Donut Hole

Today, I have paid the most, MOST! money I have ever paid for a 30-day prescription: $655.21. That's right, one single prescription, $655.21. Holy crap!!

And I have to give a hearty THANK YOU! to GWB for his Medicare Part D prescription program.

The hubby went on Part D when I was unceremoniously canned from Cendant/Trilegiant/Whateverthehell It Ended Up Being in February 2006. At the same time I had gone to DHS and they put us on a program to cover the Part D copays and premiums. That ended the end of 2007, after I had gotten the job at the old Stillwater Wal-Mart.

First we noticed the premiums, bad, but not horrible. But, hey, that was the cost for the program, right? That's going to cover all of the Hubby's prescriptions, right? Then after the new year, we get these warning letters stating that we're getting close to the "donut hole". What is the "donut hole" you ask? Well, with Part D, or at least the Hubby's Humana, we pay copays up to a certain amount, then we pay all of the next $4,000-odd, then they pony up the rest. Who the hell thought this up?! Who the hell thought this was a good idea?!

Little did I know how much that was. How did I know that one, ONE, prescription was going to be $655.21. So, using the very helpful printout from my wonderful pharmacy, I know that it's going to take roughly the rest of the year to pay off the "hole". At which time, I think, it's starts all over again. I would be nice if the "hole" was a one time thing, but YEARLY?!

I make too much for the low income supplement (although I did reapply today). So the Hubby's vaunted Part D will only pay 2 1/2 months?!! And we're stuck paying THE REST the rest of the year?!

What the hell?!


None of this makes any fucking sense.

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