Saturday, January 28, 2006

I love the Hubby. I do. He's my big, giant teddy bear with blue eyes and a wacky immune system. But I can't stand his politics.

Before the Iraq mess, we were actually pretty close, me a moderate democrat, him a moderate republican (actually, more of a Jesse Ventura Independent). But since then, it's like the things we agree on don't matter. He treats George Bush like he's a babe in the woods. Nothing is his fault, it's all those bad, bad people surrounding him. And now, the NSA spying - it's okay - they listened to Al Queda (yeah, I don't know how to spell it) people, and they had to do it, and on, and on. I was dumbfounded.

I tried to tell him that even "bad" people have rights in this country, but it was like he just shut down.

I don't know what to do. I don't know how to convince him of how corrupt all republicans are. Any help from whatever readers I have would be appreciated.

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