I have to come clean.
I am a cronic petition signer. There isn't hardly a petition or "let your Congressman know!" that goes by that doesn't get me into a later. Impeaching Bush (HELL YEAH!! I'll give him his constitutional rights, which is alot more than he's giving us); Saying no to Alito; drilling in ANWR; the past (ghastly) budget, and on and on.
Now Coburn may be a nutball, typical borg drone - not a thought in his head that doesn't come from the RNC - but he does answer his email.
In fact, here's his answer to impeachment:
Dear Ms. Not Together (yes, it was to my real name):
Thank you for your e-mail regarding impeachment proceedings for PresidentBush. I am opposed to any effort to impeach the President based upon hisdecision to go to War with Iraq.
There are no grounds that exist (aside: Can you BELIEVE this?!) for one to legitimately seek the impeachment of George W. Bush. Impeachment proceedings have only occurred twice in the history of ourRepublic. The rarity of impeachment underscores what I believe to be the central importance of elected representatives exercising great caution when contemplating impeachment. Impeachment is not meant as a partisan political weapon nor should it be used as a vehicle to discredit an individual at the nation's ultimate expense(Ha, hahahahaha!!). It should be used as theFounding Fathers wished - as a way to uphold the moral authority of the office of the president and serve as a check on the power of the executive should that person through criminal misconduct no longer be able to carryout the laws of the United States. The calls for impeachment against the President today are politicallymotivated efforts by members of the minority party to remove him fromoffice. The primary reason cited for this is the President's mishandlingof pre-Iraq War intelligence. The bi-partisan Senate Select Committee onIntelligence already has conducted an investigation into pre-Iraq warintelligence. This committee found no evidence intelligence was distortedto make the case for war. The Robb-Silberman Commission also reached thesame conclusion and found, in addition, the intelligence presented tosenators was less dramatic than that seen by the President. Thisintelligence led 77 senators to support the war resolution. I amconvinced the President made his decision to go to Iraq based upon theinformation he was presented at the time. Even President Clinton -operating upon the same intelligence - reached the conclusion in 1998 thatSaddam Hussein should be removed. Given these facts, I am more thanconvinced the President is not in any danger of being impeached byCongress. Once again, thank you very much for contacting me. Sincerely, A Tom Coburn United States Senator
It just makes me want to beat my head against the wall.
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