Friday, February 17, 2006

Unemployment Benefits Denied

Seriously crashing.

The Hubby says I need to appeal the decision. I don't see the point. I mean, damn, they decided to make an archaic rule just for me (everybody else, now that I'm gone), and I broke it. Their rule. I broke it. Simple. It doesn't matter that it has nothing to do with productivity.

And how am I supposed to get a job when I'm quasi-suicidal (I'm not going to do it, just think about it - A LOT)? I have an interview at a wireless call center, that I've been turned down before, this time through a temp agency. I don't interview well. They want specifics. Let me tell you, if I remembered specifics at every call center I've worked at, I wouldn't just be depressed, I'd be psychotic. The Hubby says to make stuff up, which I'm also not good at.

So, I've gotten my last check. Right now I seem incapable of getting a job. But I have to do something, we can't live on the Hubby's disability (it pays the mortgage, but not much else).

I'm worthless.
I HATE myself!
I wish I were dead. But that wouldn't actually solve anything. It would make things worse, if possible. It just means I have to keep on existing (not unlike a slug).

Maybe you guys ought to go read the happier, actually talented people to the right. Because I'm a big downer.

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