Saturday, August 20, 2005

Jimmy's last day at work was Thursday. In what seems highly ironic to me, since Jimmy worked at the Guthrie Braum's just over a year, the manager ordered pizza from the Pizza Hut around the corner. Jimmy told me he requested Hawaiian style (ham and pineapple) because, a. he likes it, and b. is almost guaranteed to have some left over for him to take home. Smart kid. I had never had Hawaiian before, it was pretty good. He flew down to his Dad's for the weekend. I don't really understand why he doesn't stay for awhile. But I guess "ours is not to reason why".

Also this week, his car was tagged. "My Dream Guy" on the back window, and I (heart) U on the driver's side rear window. The Hubby asked him about it, and he said he did it himself (right). On the way to the airport he admitted it was a girl, who has left for college, and gave him her phone number (!). I told him girls who give their phone numbers generally want to be called.
"Yeah. I don't know how that works," was his reply.
"I can't tell ya. I tended to marry the guys I dated," I said.
Two shy people - the blind leading the blind.

Time is rushing on. September will be here in no time. SLOOOOW DOOOOWN.
After basic and his additional training, Jimmy says he thinks he'd like to be in Seattle. The weather's cool and rainy and also because of the music scene.


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