Thursday, September 30, 2004

Had an argument with the Hubby when I called him at lunch. Just how does James Carville and Mary Matalin DO it?! He knows he's right and I'm wrong, and I know he's wrong because I AM RIGHT.

You know, normally, we're not actually that far apart. He's usually more of a RINO (Republican In Name Only), a Jesse Ventura Independent. I just don't get it. He's pro-choice ("if she can live with it"), anti-Patriot Act.

Well, for better or for worse, It'll be over November 2.

Thank God.

But I am right.

Wednesday, September 29, 2004

Things That Make You Go Hmmm

My work is driving me out of my mind. I've been trying to numb my raging frustraton by reading news, doing a crossword online. Then I run into this little gem.

Now, I think I've mentioned before (heck, I don't read my archives!) that I have epilepsy. I have almost no seizures (and the ones I do have are rare and the blank stare variety). I had more seizures before adulthood than after. But I've suffered with depression roughly half my life. Is there a connection?

I don't know.

Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Atrios Gives Me Advice!

Ok, well, maybe not me personally, since I sincerely doubt he knows I'm alive, but it's close. You can read it here.

Am I going to follow it?

Probably not. I am, after all, Ms. NOT Together!

Monday, September 27, 2004

Student of the Week!

Last night, after he came home from work, my son asked me how to get to local Guthrie restaurant Granny Had One. After giving him instructions he understood ("You know where the stadium is? It's just past the intersection on the other side"), I asked him, "Why?" Then he told me he was the Rotary Club's Student of the Week. If I didn't wear t-shirts constantly, I'd be busting my buttons!! Then I asked him when he found out, it being Sunday night, him tending to dawdle anyway. He told me he learned Friday. I gave him that one. Now that he's driving himself, between school and work, I hardly ever see him!


In the dream I had early this morning, I decided I needed 5 newspapers to give to family. Of course, the the dream, Jimmy was wearing dark blue denim cargo pants and a light blue shirt. In real life, it was a dark green t-shirt with Zelda on it, and jeans (maybe black, maybe blue). In concious thought, it's more like 3.

Unfortunately, the Guthrie Daily Leader doesn't have a web site. Buggers.

**UPDATE** Granny Had One does have a website!

**UPDATE II** Picture to come out in tomorrow's (Sep. 29) paper! I might need 4 copies.

**UPDATE III** If I include my ex-husband - it would be 5.

**UPDATE IV** The News Leader comes out in the afternoon(Wed., Sep 29), so I still haven't seen it. Oh, and it may be Student of the Month (which makes more sense). So, my son doesn't talk to me! It's a karma thing - somewhere up in heaven my mother is giving me a knowing chuckle.

**UPDATE V** It is Rotary Student of the Week. I bought 3 papers this morning (Thurs., Sep. 30), that would be for me, my M-in-L and my sister. The picture is great, it actually makes him look tall! I'm just bursting! I did get, from a co-worker, "So your son is a nerd?"
Well, yeah, it's genetic.

Monday, September 20, 2004

Dear Mama,

I guess it's time to talk again. I'm remembering to take my antidepressant, for the most part, but I'm still down.
I feel so...

I know I shouldn't compare myself to others. But it such a hard habit to break. I mean, look at Jenny at work. She's sent in a whole sit-com script to that Bravo show! She's a prolific writer. Why can't I do that? Why are my stories locked in my head?

And last night, at the post dove hunt guy-fest, why wasn't I nervy enough to tell them they were being brainless, Bush-sheep? Why couldn't I march into the kitchen and tell them Bush is the WORST PRESIDENT EVER? Why couldn't I tell them, the world, the country, the environment is going to hell, while he paints pretty pictures. But I didn't. The Hubby asked me if I wanted to respond, but I said no. I didn't want to be made fun of. By a bunch of damn ostriches. What's wrong with me?! Why does it matter? I know I'm right. I just wish they would listen, but it's like I don't exist.

Oh, and Jimmy has his driver's liscence now. So, I see him leave for school, and that's it. I thought I was so cool. I thought I could handle the cutting of the cord. You know, I did my job, I raised a mature young man, time to let go. Yeah, it's bugging the living crap out of me. I'm not ready.

Oh, yeah, when I got home last night, around 9:45 like usual, Jimmy asked me what Senior stuff he should buy. I told him, besides the cap and gown, really all you need are announcements. He said he was thinking of getting one of the packages (like $170!!). I kind of swallowed and told him to get what he wants, and I'll help him pay for it.

You would be so proud of me, I have a reader. Well, have had. I think I lost him. Maybe it's because I don't really have anything to say. Or maybe I have things to say, but haven't found my voice yet.

More to say...

But I'll talk later.

Friday, September 17, 2004

Breaking News

Well, more like breaking gossip.

Macaulay Culkin arrested for drug possession in OKC!
See Details here.


Pot. Kettle. Black.

Frist Campaigns For Coburn In Oklahoma

Not necessarily a good thing. Read here.

Hey, show my boy some love!

Thursday, September 16, 2004

Digging Himself Deeper...

Tom Coburn has done it again. Oklahoma has the second largest Native American population in the nation, you don't piss them off.

From the transcript of Judy Woodruff (a little more than half way down),

TOM COBURN (R), SENATORIAL CANDIDATE: Politics, I can assure you, is no fun.
WOODRUFF (voice-over): Not for former Congressman Tom Coburn, at least. Not these days. With Election Day looming large, the Republican Senate candidate finds himself embroiled in controversy, battling old charges of Medicaid fraud.
COBURN: You're taken an unfounded accusation from a sleazy, liberal dot-com and making it something real.
WOODRUFF: Earlier this week, reported that 14 years ago, Coburn, an obstetrician, sterilized a woman without her consent during surgery to relieve an ectopic pregnancy. Coburn didn't report the sterilization to Medicaid, saying the cost would not have been covered by insurance since the woman was under 21.The woman later filed suit. But Coburn insists she repeatedly asked to be sterilized.
COBURN: And the fact is that she's sitting there dying with a belly full of blood. And had I sterilized her before when I she asked me to, she wouldn't have gotten in that place. So, when she asked me to do that this time I did. And I'd do it again.
WOODRUFF: Before the story broke, polls had Coburn locked in a tight race with Democratic Congressman Brad Carson. Now Democrats see an opening.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Dr. Coburn's character and integrity are absolutely in question.
WOODRUFF: But Coburn remains defiant... COBURN: If you think my character is wrong, go do the hard work to prove it.

Umm, dude, I think you just did.

Happy Birthday!

To the Hubby, who's now older than me for a month!

Wednesday, September 15, 2004

Go, Carson!

My husband and I may be far apart when it comes to president candidates, but we both agree, Tom Coburn is an idiot, dangerous, a big, giant hypocrite, etc. Just read this (you'll need to sit through the ad). Him and Istook are cut from the same cloth, always denying funding to their home state.

Monday, September 13, 2004

A Question

Why, when I dream, my parents are still alive? My mother usually pre-stroke.


I wish they still were. (pre-stroke for my mother)

Ah, Irony!

'Nuff said!

Friday, September 10, 2004


The third time was a charm! Yeah, his score was 79, but hey, it's above the minimum 70! My son is now a licensed driver! And since his birthday is after the cutoff date for registration, they registered him (Democrat!) to vote as well!

So, as I was driving behind him, I had to check him in at school since he was late, I was thinking, "Geez, you drive like an old man!"

That may not be a bad thing.

Oh, and I now live in a Kerry household (2 to 1)!

Thursday, September 09, 2004

A Truly Finite Resource

MSNBC asks, How Long Will the World's Oil Last?
One estimate, and I had heard this somewhere before (oh yeah, from the OK Sustainability people), is that world production will peak around Thanksgiving of next year. True, the US production peaked around 1970, but our oil bubble lasted until 1982, when the Penn Square Bank crashed. Then things went to hell in a hurry.

Should we be scared about a future we are woefully unprepared for?

Shouldn't we be doing something other than trying to destroy the Earth looking for a little more oil?

The Woes of Carroll Fisher

Our honorable Insurance Commissioner. I guess I ought to comment on his latest troubles. I don't really have an opinion. I don't feel he has to resign right now, like Governor Henry wants him to. He is still innocent until proven guilty. But I don't see as how he'll have time to do his job.

And this nugget from last year doesn't help any (and it's still a hoot)! One of your elected officials can get drunk and rowdy like the rest of us, but he thought he could get off.

A Statement to Life Loving Christians

Before you whack me over the head with this.

Why don't you say or do ANYTHING about this!!

Wednesday, September 08, 2004

Guns, Guns Guns!

We went to the gun show Sunday. The Hubby was disappointed, they didn't have what he wanted (some sort of really, really hard bullet). They did have a lot of guns, pretty much the same ones over and over again, of varying prices.

I guess here's where I diverge from alot of Liberal Democrats. I enjoy shooting, too. I have two handguns of my own: a 22 and a 9mm (both Rugers). I'm better with the 22 mainly because I've had more practice with it. There's just something sooo cathartic about blowing holes through a paper bad guy. Every bit of anger, frustration and hatred is gone and you're left feeling confident, in control! I could've used that Monday, I was really grumpy. Knitting, however, is different. Knitting is a Zen thing. You're in the moment. You're one with your needles, the piece you're knitting. You're not happy, you're not sad, you just are.
The Hubby wants to teach me to shoot a rifle. I've shot his Mini-14, but it kind of annoys me. I'm nearsighted, so I can either see the target, or I can see the sights, which doesn't bother me when I'm shooting my handgun, but bugs the crap out of me with a rifle.

Now, my husband is not a "Gun Nut". He is a Gun Hobbyist. He will tell you that there are people who should not own a gun. And they are out in force at gun shows. Now, as the Hubby has taught me, you always treat any weapon as if loaded! But whatever weapon they're looking at, carting around, they'll point it right at you, like it's some kinda white boy's toy.

And, of course, everybody there is a one issue person. Even though you'd think every other issue would trump that one.

There's the table that sells militia/separatist books (i.e. Anarchis's Cookbook).
There's the table selling rebel/Confederate stuff, flags, bumper stickers, etc. (hello, you lost. - And don't give me that state's rights thing - they were fighting for the right to own a human being as property. Now it holds no purpose other than race baiting. Geez, can't we get past that already?!)
There are the obligatory women's tables: jewelry, beany babies, and the like. Yeah, I'm not the only woman taken out to a gun show.
And now days there are as many knive sellers as guns. All kinds, too. You can ususally find at least one Lord of the Rings sword, there were two at this one.

All in all, it was a good day. It's a great place to people watch. I recommend it highly.

I tried to post this yesterday, but had problems with it. weird.

Tuesday, September 07, 2004

Thoughts On A Long Weekend

Since me and the Hubby are still taking care of M-in-L, we're kind of limited on going and doing. So we did short jaunts. We messed around (you pretty much have to drag me kicking and screaming from a bookstore) then ate out on Saturday. Went to a gun show Sunday (more thoughts on that later). Did our grocery shopping on Monday. I also helped my son sign up for Sat II tests and start on the ACT form. He's considering not taking the regular SAT, since now most universities accept the ACT. Yeah, for a long weekend, it kind of sucked.

Speaking of my Mother-in-Law, the Hubby and I are getting a little frustrated with M-in-L. It's, oh I don't know, It's like she's not trying to get better. She's not making an effort in her own recovery. Now, I know the older you are, the longer it takes to recover. She's not what I'd consider old. She doesn't want to go back to work (she's getting close to retirement age), which I think is a mistake (Hellfire, my Grandma Ben["Grandma Ben, when are you going to retire?" "When I get old!"] worked until the day before she died. Yes, she was working part-time, but that's not the point. She was one of the youngest people I've known. Oh, and my Mom! It's like she didn't even want to think after she retired, she just wanted to read romance novels - GAK!). She doesn't feel a need to drive (ok, that may be construed as a GOOD thing). She's not walking as much as she should. And complains of pain more than she should (that one's kind of subjective on my part). And the coughing, which leads to spitting and throwing up clear liquid, and sometimes (we think it's a side-effect of one of her medications) actually vomits. Something just seems wrong. But should the regular doctor get involved or the cardiologist?

OT: She griped to my husband this morning that the floors were filthy, as I hadn't vacuumed for two days. I was sitting at the same table. I was right there. But she didn't say anything to me. I don't know if I've mentioned this before, but I HATE TO BE IGNORED!

That's enough of that.

UPDATE: The Hubby finally got M-in-L to go to her family doctor! I was told it looks like she's getting pneumonia. He put her on penicillin. Maybe I'm being reactionary, but shouldn't she be in a hospital (not Logan County)?

Friday, September 03, 2004

Explain This to Me

This is a horrible situation. It isn't a black/white thing. There are no good guys. I can't really call it a shades of grey thing, either. Whatever points either side had to make are null and void. Putin needs to learn the Soviet Union is dead. And the Chechnyans whatever validity their cause had, died with those children.

Horrible, just horrible.

I Don't Feel Like It

All week long, I've been really happy with Bubba. All week long the dog alarm's gone off at 5:30 am. Today - 3:30 am. Pretty uneventful walk, except heading back home, Bubba sees a strange, black thing coming towards us - "Brooooo!"
"Bubba! That's our cat!" Yeah, it was our own cat, Midnight, who was too lazy to join us at the start of the walk, scaring the hoo out of Bubba.

And I guess I should have gone ahead and slept in the recliner in the the living room, because I didn't sleep well afterwards. Sinus trouble, I think. Headache, scratchy throat. I am sooo tired. Yay.

Wednesday, September 01, 2004

Is It Any Surprise?

The most worthless newspaper in the nation, has the most worthless website?!

Go Guthrie!

Sad, just sad.
The town I live in.


Why be in anything that denies your basic rights? I found this at while trolling Oklahoma news sites (um, yeah, we have no news).
I mean, I can kinda see the point of wanting to bring about change, especially to really, really repressive groups (like Republicans). But, to my mind, if you're butting your head against a brick wall, you're not gonna knock the wall down, you're just gonna get a concussion.

But there is this from the article:
State Republican Chairman Gary Jones said the party welcomes diversity, including gay members.

Just plain funny.