Wednesday, September 07, 2005

I've been needing to write for a while now, but what do you say? Being in the travel industry, I think the airlines could be doing more, but as they're a big money pit, they probably think they're bleeding money as it is. Hey, how 'bout you not pay your CEO's megamillions? Case in point, (and yes, I get the willies about blogging about work) a woman had purchased tickets to go to her dad's birthday (a big one, like 80), from New Orleans to wherever. The airline would either let her reissue without the fee (but would still have to pay the difference in fare to change the outbound city) or refund the whole thing. The passenger wanted to use the tickets, but didn't have the money to change, so is getting the refund. Can I repeat that? SHE WANTED TO USE THE TICKETS. Go to the airlines web page and read their arcane hurricane rules.

Less than a week to go. Really not sure if it's Monday or Tuesday. Still would like to see him off at the airport, or bus station (which in OKC, is not a great place to hang around), but I don't think that's possible. Still haven't planned any going away thing. I am SO not good at that (well, I am Ms. Not Together). I told Jimmy my sister (Ms. Together) asked if I was having a going away party. He said, "Are you happy I'm going away?" As always, Mr. Sarcasm.
"NOOOO!" I don't remember what else I said, except: "I don't know what to have. Ice Cream and cake were suggested."
"I like cake," Jimmy answered.

Who doesn't.

I've also kind of decided that recruiters need to make sure the recruit's mother isn't in or near PMS on the entry date. That's....part of my problem. still seems like forever to me. He's such a great kid...guy. I'm really proud of him.

I've decided I'm as bleeding heart liberal as they come. Even if I have noone to talk/bitch to about our incompetent government. Katrina is another thing I can't discuss with the Hubby. And I'm not real sure about my family, either. I'm...different. But, I'll tell ya, I'd rather have a bleeding heart and want to try to help everyone, than a heart of stone that only softens to seven figures. I have never seen such callousness. They put Nixon to shame. There he is, (if there is a God) standing in Hell, weeping with joy.

If anybody reads this, I need someone to talk to.


KatyaR said...

I have a part-time person who works for/with me who's republican. Luckily, she can see beyond the crap in a lot of areas, and she really wants to be an independent, but because of the stupid laws about voting in this state, she's decided to stay an R. I have hardly been able to talk to her about the hurricane because she's just adamant all this happened because of the local and state government corruption in Louisiana. I have read a list of articles as tall as I am showing how the Feds are the ones who screwed this whole this up, but I don't dare bring it up because I would probably yell and she'd probably quit, and then I'd be up a creek without a paddle. Add in the fact that she's a good friend of my boss, and I'm stuck. So I try to blow off steam at home and not think about it at work. I'm pretty busy right now, so that helps.

I have a hard time listening to people be so hard-hearted about peoples' lives--what happened to "love thy neighbor?"

Laura said...

If our federal government could get it together in two days for the tsunami victims, I should think they could manage a couple of water and food air drops. What's shameful is Canada's federal government made it there before ours.

Obviously, I'm a good person to rant with. ;)