Thursday, April 22, 2010

Eh, Vacation

You know, the only reason I took the remainder of my vacation, was because I was getting kind of stressed at work. I'm a cashier at Wally world, and I've probably said this before, but I like it. I like my store. Weird. But it was getting to me, and I had to use or lose it by April 29, my anniversary date. But, jeez, I hate sitting at home. I want to GO and DO, but that takes money. I did get to see Greg Mortenson's lecture at Lloyd Noble Arena (Center?) yesterday. HE SIGNED MY BOOK!!!! I was too shy to talk :( Jeez, I hate being shy. I don't really hate my life, it's just soooo darn boring! And it's all on me. I could have extra money, if I got a second job. But the first one tires me out. I guess I'm just tired. Tired of hot flashes and night sweats. Tired of the Hubby railing against my president. Tired of the Hubby's gun obession. Tired of his nonstop adoration of Glenn Beck. Tired of being invisible. Tired of being yelled at for my beliefs. I'd kind of like to be alone, but I don't want to lose my house.

all done.
yeah, I think I'm mildly depressed.

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