Friday, May 26, 2006

So Out of the Loop...

Is Corndog back yet?

I guess that's a no. Anyway, still temping at Southwest, which MAY become permanent, but I don't want to jynx it. Even though it's crazy busy, I love every minute of it! My mind is trying to make me go on my kiddie rollercoaster again, but so far I'm resisting. I still think I may be bipolar II.

Jimmy was supposed to come home on leave tonight, but his flight out of Charleston was delayed past his connecting flight in Houston. Now it's tomorrow afternoon. Arrgh!

The Hubby needs the 4 days I had in the Booby Hatch last September, but will he? NOOOOO! Too proud, don't need it, don't have the money (true), blah, blah, blah. The one thing I DID learn the past September, his feelings are HIS FEELINGS. Understand he's in constant pain. Understand he's only going to get worse. But the feeling sorry for himself, annoys the piss out of me. He's better than that.

Since I've been busy, not to mention happy, I haven't been paying much attention to the news. Have we gotten rid of Bush, et al, and the rest of the Borg party yet?

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