Thursday, September 06, 2007

SCREAM!! And Scream Again

My stepson got fired today from the Cingular job he's had for a few years. This sent Randy down the pipes, since he had phone service on his son's employee plan. Then, of course, he goes over EVERY concievable wrong EVER in his life. God is against him... He ought to die....

He needs to be in the hospital. And NOT because of his bones! I'm tired of it. It's not my fault. There's nothing I can do about it. I just have to endure it, because nobody listens to me. I'm the moron of the family. Granted, Medicare pays jacks**t on mental health, but then what healthcare plan, insurance, etc. DOES?!

Things have to change for the better.


Oh, and in an open letter to Owen Wilson:

Dear Mr. Wilson,

Heard about your hospital stay (who hasn't). But I think you should have been in the Psych Ward with the rest of the public, instead of locked away in a cushy, private room. Please, hear me out. In September, 2005, I had my own "suicidal gesture", and spent 4-5 days in St. Anthony's Hospital, downtown OKC. It was an eye opener. Of course at first my thought was, "These guys are CRAZY!" Then, as I got to know them, I realized their problems weren't that different from mine. For the first time in my life, I didn't feel alone.
Your family certainly cares for you, but if they've never had any type of mental illness, they just don't know how to react. Then you may end up feeling bad for feeling bad. Been there, done that - not good. Also not good - illicit drugs to make you feel better. Take the meds your doctor prescribes, if it doesn't work, try another one. I've been on lots of different anti-depressants. I'm not on one right now (and probably should be), but I won't be eligible for health insurance until the end of next month.
You need to know you're not alone.
You are not alone.

Take Care,
Ms. Not Together

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