Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Life Lessons You Never Think You Have to Say

Don't go out without pants or shoes. Picking up the paper in your underwear is (well, gross enough) one thing, but getting groceries at the store is another. If someone needs to tell you to put on clothes before you go out, maybe you shouldn't go out.

Checking out customers on Monday, close to the end of my day. I get an older dude (my age or older), reminding me roughly of David Crosby. Wearing a long, dirty, white t-shirt. First I notice he's not wearing shoes (disgusting!), then (scanning up, I guess) I notice he's NOT WEARING PANTS!! This is one of those times where being quiet and introverted comes in handy. I finish checking him out, I give him his bags, I may have told him to have a good day.

Then I (quietly) freaked out. A Supervisor tried to tell me they were bike shorts. No Way!!! I know the difference. Thank God my day was almost over.

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