Wow. I haven't wrote a word since September?! What's happened. Well, let's see. In October, my alternator went out. That kinda hacked me off, since it was still relatively new. So, new Alternator, new belt, new bolt and I'm back on the road. Two weeks later, yes that's right, TWO WEEKS LATER, the belt broke, the bolt broke and it's back in the shop. Now it's about a month later, the belt broke AGAIN, this time on my way home from work, so my poor aging (8 years old now) Kia Spectra (a 2002 - one of the worst crash test results ever) sat forlornly a the new Stillwater Tractor Supply for about a week, maybe less, until I could buy not 1 but 2 new tires for the Hubby's dovetail trailer so we could pick up my car and deliver it to the mechanic. Which we did today. The Mechanic (ok, technically his son, since it's a family affair) is bumfuzzled, said it sounds like something is locked up. Yay!! First my air conditioner compressor (or whatever) locks up (so yes, no AC, no defroster), what now? Sounds like time to get a new (to me) vehicle. Can I get one for free? I can afford free!
My son sent me some yarn from Australia, 4 skeins of wonderful, orgain wool, so soft, you just wanted to smoosh your face in it. I've made 3 hats out of it, a little bit of 2 colors left. Oh he also sent me a skein of hemp/wool blend, it feels icky, but would make a great shopping bag. I made one itchy hat out of it. I also got a boomerang.
My husband has discovered facebook, so now I can't be completely open there. I'm so tired. All I hear is guns, killing, and right wing wackery, day after day. I just don't want to go home sometimes. Then I feel bad about that. I just wish I mattered to someone.
Well someone other than me. I may be my own bestfriend, but I could use someone other than the voices in my head. You know as a cashier, I see guys buying stuff for their ladies, cards, flowers, jewelry, and such. It would be nice to be thought of that way. Sometimes I think the Hubby would be happier with a robot wife.